Sunday, April 25, 2010

This week in Nutrition

If you really want to get a good idea of your caloric intake I recommend not only writing down everything you eat but also tracking what you are burning. has a free online resource that can track calories vitamins and what you burn while exercising and even make recommendations. I cannot stress the importance of planning ahead instead of sleeping till noon and later begging your mother to make you something healthy, I state this example because it effects more than one of my athletes over the weekends why not take matters into your own hands hard boil eggs for the week grill up some chick some burger patties and put them into the refrigerator so you have them for the week. Having seen first hand what they serve for school lunches to High schoolers these day I would recommend you take action and bring your own lunch. You will feel more energized and will no longer have to cut weight to make 285. (ZH) In terms of what you should eat add color and variety to your diet that means fruits veggies as well as meats cheese. I hope this tid bit of information has made you just a fraction better. Now stop reading and start doing

Coach M

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