Sunday, April 25, 2010

Killer Ab workouts

I am always looking for new and better ways to train my athletes and I have found a few great AB workouts to add to your routine
First is the dumbbell crawl, what you want to do is get 35-55 pound dumbbells and set both in front of you then you want to do a pike/bear crawl position forward 20 ft and backward 20 ft for 3 sets.
The next exercise is the Exercise Ball Dumbbell Russian twist with this exercise you should want your back on the exercise ball and your knees at 90 degrees from there hold your weight directly in front of you with your arms fully extended and rotate slowly to the right till the weight is parallel with the floor repeat the opposite direction till you are all the way to the left do this for 3 sets of 10 each side. Lastly you are going to end this exercise by doing your normal planks but with a 5-10 lb weight for 3 sets of 20.

There you have it today's AB exercise try them this week and throw it into your ab routines to change it up if you stick with it you will have more effective freestyle throws gut wrenches and you will find your power lifts are easier. Be sure to check out for this weeks diet tips.

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