Sunday, April 18, 2010

When to work out

I know this sounds crazy especially for the busy athlete for summer workouts don't make working out the first thing you do in the morning thats right I said don't make working out the first thing you do. Studies now show that your body takes time to get revved up so why not work out and get the most out of each rep by lifting or working out when your body is at its prime. So that may mean if early in the morning is the only time you can get a lift in that you will have to wake up even earlier About 1- 2 hours before you intend on lifting. So if your initials are ZH that means not being the lazy person you have been make the adjustment. Workout at your bodies prime times and I promise you will get stronger, faster, and become a better wrestler than if you just worked out at times when you first wake up.

Hope this tidbit of info helps and check out facebook for this offseason tournments coming up next is the phoenix wrestling freestyle tourney in elizabethville .

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