Sunday, May 16, 2010


This week I will post two workouts seeing as I missed last weeks.

For Stronger Calves we are going to shake things up with a new workout
You will need a large isoball, and two dumbells 35-55 lbs each

1) Take your exercise ball and put it up against the wall and use your chest to hold it in place
2) Next take the two dumbells and raise your self up.
3) Step back so both feet are bout 3-4 feet away from the wall and you are leaning forward.
4) Use both legs and lift up your feet slowly and slowly raise them down as you would when you are doing calf raises.
(Do this for 3 sets of 15)

Todays Second Exercise.

For todays second exercise we are also going to focus on our legs but also on building some explosive power.
You will need a barbell and anywhere between 150 - 300 Lbs on the rack depending on weight class and experience ( DONT OVER DO IT)

For this two work you will have to be able to do a proper squat

1) Place the bar across your shoulder with feet shoulder width apart
2) Next squat down so your knees are at about 90 Degrees
3) Next explode up and lift your feet of the ground
4) Control the weight coming down and repeat
(DO 4 sets of 10) and don't forget to breath

IF YOU HAVEN'T already downloaded the form for the Scarlet knight wrestling camp please speak with myself of Coach J by Wednesday.

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