Sunday, April 25, 2010

This week in Nutrition

If you really want to get a good idea of your caloric intake I recommend not only writing down everything you eat but also tracking what you are burning. has a free online resource that can track calories vitamins and what you burn while exercising and even make recommendations. I cannot stress the importance of planning ahead instead of sleeping till noon and later begging your mother to make you something healthy, I state this example because it effects more than one of my athletes over the weekends why not take matters into your own hands hard boil eggs for the week grill up some chick some burger patties and put them into the refrigerator so you have them for the week. Having seen first hand what they serve for school lunches to High schoolers these day I would recommend you take action and bring your own lunch. You will feel more energized and will no longer have to cut weight to make 285. (ZH) In terms of what you should eat add color and variety to your diet that means fruits veggies as well as meats cheese. I hope this tid bit of information has made you just a fraction better. Now stop reading and start doing

Coach M

Killer Ab workouts

I am always looking for new and better ways to train my athletes and I have found a few great AB workouts to add to your routine
First is the dumbbell crawl, what you want to do is get 35-55 pound dumbbells and set both in front of you then you want to do a pike/bear crawl position forward 20 ft and backward 20 ft for 3 sets.
The next exercise is the Exercise Ball Dumbbell Russian twist with this exercise you should want your back on the exercise ball and your knees at 90 degrees from there hold your weight directly in front of you with your arms fully extended and rotate slowly to the right till the weight is parallel with the floor repeat the opposite direction till you are all the way to the left do this for 3 sets of 10 each side. Lastly you are going to end this exercise by doing your normal planks but with a 5-10 lb weight for 3 sets of 20.

There you have it today's AB exercise try them this week and throw it into your ab routines to change it up if you stick with it you will have more effective freestyle throws gut wrenches and you will find your power lifts are easier. Be sure to check out for this weeks diet tips.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

When to work out

I know this sounds crazy especially for the busy athlete for summer workouts don't make working out the first thing you do in the morning thats right I said don't make working out the first thing you do. Studies now show that your body takes time to get revved up so why not work out and get the most out of each rep by lifting or working out when your body is at its prime. So that may mean if early in the morning is the only time you can get a lift in that you will have to wake up even earlier About 1- 2 hours before you intend on lifting. So if your initials are ZH that means not being the lazy person you have been make the adjustment. Workout at your bodies prime times and I promise you will get stronger, faster, and become a better wrestler than if you just worked out at times when you first wake up.

Hope this tidbit of info helps and check out facebook for this offseason tournments coming up next is the phoenix wrestling freestyle tourney in elizabethville .

Saturday, April 10, 2010

When to eat before a lift

About 30 minutes before you get a lift in you need to have a good combination of both protein and carbs, for example try mixing protein powder with oatmeal which if you haven't learned already is one of the best foods for a wrestler to have in his diet. Do this and of course remember to stay hydrated. Do not over or under eat before a lift.

Post workout you want to eat approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour after you want to try drinking a simple sugar like juice or have a milk shake, to get protein in try tuna, or eggs ideally you want around 40 grams of protein in you post work out.

Proper nutrition before and after a workout is critical to recovery and the quicker we recover the more we can get out of your next work out.

PS if you have found out about PFA's summer training schedule be sure to check back in online or email for news.

I hope I gave you enough information to get you that 5% you need to win