Sunday, March 21, 2010

This weeks workout tip 21 and under

This I found this great new weighted pull up program with 21 reps. With a partners help while gripping the pull up bar have your partner grab a 10-25 lbs dumbbell and place it in between your legs just below your knees and criss cross your legs. Now do 7 reps maintaining a fluid motion. Next do 7 reps with half the original weight. Lastly do 7 pull-ups with only your body weight.

Visit for the 21 foods you can't live with out
Thank you to muscle and fitness magazine for supplying todays workout and nutrition tips.

6 days till Mawas

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Get a Stronger Back for stronger takedowns

Lets face it the closest exercise to a high single leg is a row. So this weeks tip comes right from Dan Walsh Olympic Rower. To have a strong back here is an easy work out to follow.

Wide-grip Pull-ups 4 sets of reps as follows do the first set to failure, on the next two sets do 20% fewer reps than previous on the last set do 4 negatives lowering yourself as slowly as possible
-superset with-
One Arm dumbbell row 4 sets of 10 reps each arm

Next do 4 sets of inverted row with a barbell 8-10 reps per set.

There you have it this week's workout for a stronger back, check back next week for more workout and Sports Psychology tips.

Again this information means nothing unless you put it to action in the words of Doctor Rob Gilbert the difference between knowing and not knowing is very small the difference between knowing and doing is huge. For nutrition tips visit, For tournament info visit facebook or myspace and search pfawrestling, for motivational quotes check out pfawrestling on twitter. You can always send an email to for questions tournament info or workout ideas.

Coach M.

Monday, March 8, 2010

1st of Many weekly updates

So it has been a while since my last post. In an effort to keep all my athletes in formed at least once a week I will be posting tips, tournaments, diet plans, and keep everyone in the loop to everything PFA first off if your season is over take a week relax, wind down and they get right back to business. There is such a thing as over training however few athletes in the area over train. So while I am not suggesting be lazy I am saying don't burn yourself out. A lot of Athletes have asked for tournament info the closest MAWA tourney to PFA is at CVHS and I will be there to coach any athletes going here is the link to print out the form please note there are no Saturday weigh ins.
LOCATION: Conestoga Valley High School, Leola, PA
DATE: March 27, 2010
Tournament Director:
Thomas F. Abram II
2499 Ellendale Drive
Lancaster, PA 17602
Home Phone: 717-393-4675
Cell: 717-519-9246
E-MAIL Tournament Director