Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stop Beating YOURSELF UP

Studies have shown that the average teenager is told 17,000 times in his life "NO" and "You can't do this" Well why would you want to add to that number I am telling you men if want to succeed start putting in some positive thinking. I am telling you right now no one should believe in you more than yourself. Its time you start that positive thinking. Write down all the things it takes to be a state champ, and start telling yourself that you are and have those things now. FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!!! ANYONE CAN LIGHT A FIRE UNDER YOU, but only YOU CAN LIGHT THAT FIRE INSIDE OF YOU. By now you are putting in more time than what you did last season training smarter and getting better GB and DJ so far are showing the most improvement because they are putting in the same if not more time but also getting more out of practice because they believe in themselves.

PFA will be holding open mats, and opening up the weight room on JULY 3rd send in what times you want to lift and practice and I will do my best to make it around the majority of your schedules.

In the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it.

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