Friday, June 26, 2009

How to shoot Blazing fast takedowns compliments of Coach Steve

Here's a 2 day per week workout that will improve your speed when taking a shot, and finishing it strong!

Monday and Thursday
Squats - 2 warmup sets of 8-10 reps.
3x5 (Monday only)
2x20 (Thursday only)

Use a barbell, and learn to squat correctly. You should imagine that you are sitting in a chair behind you that you cannot see. This forces you to stick your glutes and hips back while sitting. This in turn keeps your shins upright. The result is a very effective squat, that is safe. You will use most of the muscles that are used when shooting a takedown! Look straight ahead when squatting, and keep your head and neck in line with your torso.

Jumping Squats - 2 sets max reps for 1 minute bouts

Jumping squats will help you develop more explosive speed. Perform them after you've done your free weight squats. Crouch down on the balls of your feet so that your glutes are touching your heels. Explode upward as fast as you can with as much reach as possible. Your body should be off the ground, fully extended with arms towards the ceiling. If you are really exploding you should be able to extend so that your body is arched. Do these quickly.

Dips - 1 warmup set with bodyweight.
---- 2 sets of 6-10 reps with added weight (use a dipping belt) or if you cannot use extra weight, use your body weight. If you can't do 'em, keep working on them. It'll come.
Reverse Close Grip Chinups -
3 sets of max reps.
Use weight with a dipping belt if you get too strong! Keep going until you can't budge.

This simple 4 exercise workout is just plain hard work, on the exact muscle groups that will move your body faster.

Keep your practice the same. You should be feeling faster, and getting more takedowns in practice within 2 weeks of doing this correctly (form is everything). Keep this up during the season, and don't starve yourself when cutting weight. You'll be amazed!

PS Be sure to check out PFAwrestling on facebook and myspace and of course on twitter

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