Sunday, June 6, 2010

Changing up your workouts

I recently was checking out Zach Evan Esh's video and he talked about how he trains his athletes and makes them wrestling strong. Bottom line is what he does is train differently than your traditional football and other strength programs that have been crammed down athletes throats for years. I am not saying that the workouts that you out in with the football team are not good far from it. What I am saying is that every once and a while you need to integrate some different training regiments to get that extra inch. As wrestler we have all been there were one foot inbounds one second of riding time for those in college can be the difference between winning and losing. To give you an idea of what I am talking about visit

This workout I actually got from an old college strength coach who has been helping the wrestling team get stronger for several years now.

What you want to do is 5 sets of 10 of hang cleans once the bar hits your shoulder height you want the bar to rest on your chests and while keeping your hands on the bars put your elbows out front and keep them close together and squat as low as you can. Once you are back to standing up drop the weight(if you have bumper plates) and repeat. Remember form is very important.

You want to superset this workout with upright rows holding a 45lb or more plate. This will help work grip strength as well if you have the rubber bumper plates with not a lot of grooves to grab.

Once you have completed this workout you want to bang out 4 sets of 10 horizontal chin ups. For those of you that missed our previous posts what you want to is take the bar and put it across the apparatus you use for box squats then place in front of you a bench that is perpendicular to your feet and about 4 feet in front f you place your feet on the bench and you want to pull yourself up till your chin reaches the bar. Eventually you can have a partner add a plate to your abdomen to make this workout more challenging. That is what we have this week for a great wrestling strength workout. Again please check out Zach's website and if you are in Jersey I would definitely recommended stopping by his gym.

Check out PFA Wrestling on facebook for Tourney info.

Hope this information gets you that 5%
-Coach M

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